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Otus Law Group

What is the Statute of Limitations?

You must file your injury claim with the court prior to the Statute of Limitations running out.  If you do not do so, your claim could be lost. Give the Otus Law Group a call to discuss your case and the statute of limitations.

In my workers’ compensation case, my doctor has placed work restrictions on me, and my employer is not accommodating my work restrictions. What can I do?

If your employer is not honoring your work restrictions, contact Otus Law Group. We'll make sure your employer accommodates your work restrictions. If your employer is not willing to accommodate your work restrictions, you may be entitled to receive money from the insurance company. To discuss this further please contact the Otus Law Group.

In my personal injury case, am I allowed to recover my lost wages if I cannot work because of my injuries?


The answer is yes. However, it is important to have your lost wages documented. The insurance companies tend to dispute your claim of lost wages.  For your best chance to recover your lost wages, you need your doctor to provide a work status report saying that you cannot work.  You also need to have this work status report updated if you continue to miss work because of your injuries.  You should also have your employer provide a documentation confirming the amount of time you missed from work. Give the Otus Law Group a call so we can discuss your lost wages in more detail. 


In my workers’ compensation case, my doctor prepared a final report (PR4 Report). I do not agree with the report. Can I get a second opinion?

 The answer is yes. If you don't like what your doctor put in his report, the Otus Law Group can challenge that report and start the PQME process. You have the right to be evaluated by a Qualified Medical Evaluator. This is a doctor who is supposed to give you an independent opinion regarding your injuries. If you don't like your doctor's report, call the Otus Law Group, and let us help you get a second opinion.

In my personal injury case, should I wait to see a doctor if I am injured?


 No. If you are injured, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible. Sometimes injured people wait weeks or even months before they seek medical attention thinking that their injuries will heal. Then after waiting for weeks or months, the injured people then seek medical attention.  Often, the insurance company will not pay for the medical treatment because there was a lapse in time from the date of the injury until the time medical treatment was received.  Give the Otus Law Group a call and we can discuss your medical treatment in more detail. 


 In my workers’ compensation case, what is a WPI?

 WPI stands for Whole Person Impairment.  This is an opinion provided by a doctor. The WPI helps the parties to put a Permanent Disability Percentage on your case.  The Permanent Disability Percentage is used to put a dollar value on your case.  If you have received a report that gives you a WPI, give the Otus Law Group a call so we can discuss this issue in more detail.   

I was in a car accident, and I have a personal injury case.  The other driver did not have automobile insurance. Can I still get a settlement for my injuries?


Often, the person who causes the car accident will be uninsured.  If so, you need to check your car insurance coverage.  If you have UM insurance, you can still get a settlement for your injuries.  Give the Otus Law Group a call to discuss this issue in more detail. 


The workers’ compensation insurance carrier keeps denying my medical treatment.  What can be done?


You can file an appeal of the denial of the medical treatment with the Independent Medical Review (IMR).  This process has been set up by the Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board.  You must file the application for IMR within the first 30 days of the denial.  If your medical treatment is being denied by the workers’ compensation insurance carrier, give the Otus Law Group a call so we can​ discuss your case.


In my personal injury case, should I take pictures of my injuries?


 Yes. Taking pictures of your injuries is helpful for your case.  When negotiating a settlement, showing the insurance companies pictures of your injuries will help get your case settled.  Give the Otus Law Group a call so we can discuss your injuries in more detail.   

The insurance company has denied my workers’ compensation claim.  What can be done?

 If you have received a denial letter, you can start the PQME process.  The medical unit will send the parties a list of 3 doctors.  If you are represented by an attorney, the defense will strike a doctor and your attorney will strike a doctor.  The remaining doctor will provide an evaluation of you.  One of the opinions provided by the doctor will be whether your injury was caused while you were working or not. 

The workers’ compensation insurance company has put my case on delay.  What does this mean?

 The insurance company has 3 options when an injured worker opens a claim.  The first option is to accept the claim.  The second option is to deny the claim.  The third option is to put a delay on the claim.  This means that the insurance company has not accepted or denied the claim.  The insurance company needs additional time to investigate the claim.  While your claim is investigated, you can receive medical treatment paid for by the insurance company.  To discuss this issue in more detail, give the Otus Law Group a call.


  In my workers’ compensation case, what does MMI mean?

 MMI stands for Maximum Medical Improvement.  MMI means that your injury is not going to change substantially in the next year with or without medical treatment.  Give the Otus Law Group a call to discuss in more detail what MMI means.  

The Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board has sent me notice to appear at an MSC.  What does this mean?


 MSC stands for a Mandatory Settlement Conference.  This means that one of the parties believes your case is ready for trial.  The case may not be ready for trial, but the judge can decide whether the case should be set for a trial.  Many times, your case will settle at the MSC.  Give the Otus Law Group a call if you have received notice to appear at an MSC.  

The Worker's Compensation Appeals Board has sent me notice to appear at a Status Conference.  What does this mean?

 If you are to appear at a Status Conference, there is an issue that needs to be resolved.  The judge will not set your case for trial at a Status Conference.  The judge will try to resolve whatever the issue is at the Status Conference.  Give the Otus Law Group a call if you have received a notice to appear at a Status Conference.

In my workers’ compensation case, can I settle my case and keep my medical care open? 


 Yes.  You can settle your case and keep your medical care open.  This is called settling your case by Stipulations with a Request for An Award.  Another way to settle your case is by Compromise and Release.

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